
You can refer patients through this direct link:

- Medical specialist care
– internal medicine
– obesity
– search for: 'healthy', 'obesity' or 'overweight'

Inclusion criteria:
BMI ≥30
Age ≥18 yrs

Add medical information:
Lab Results (if available): eGFR, TSH (FT4), glucose, lipids, gamma-GT, CRP, and lipase
Blood pressure
Family history regarding CVD and DM2
Liver, gallstone disease, abdominal surgery

Instructions: The treatment – ​​including medication – is not reimbursed. Mysimba is partially reimbursed under strict conditions.

Instructions for your patient:
Provide your patient with this link for information:
The first appointment (1 hour) at one of the locations (Amsterdam, Hilversum, Leiderdorp or Wormerveer) is made after processing the intake form and blood test results.
Follow-up consultations: 1x per month.